diet – Health News & Articles Fri, 31 May 2024 06:57:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Protetox Review {Warnings}: Scam, Side Effects, Does It Work? Fri, 31 May 2024 06:57:39 +0000 Read more]]> Protetox Review
Protetox Review

Ever heard about these weight loss pills called Protetox? And everything you learn about it left you thinking if all that has been said is actually true. Well, take your time and go through this honest review. At the end, you will realize it is no something you can really trust.

Protetox claims

  • Supports great weight loss
  • Great results in just days
  • Trims fats from every part of the body
  • It is packed with powerful natural ingredients
  • It is reasonably priced


If there is one big lie being peddled by people behind this product is this one claim that it is packed with only natural ingredients. That is not entirely true. There is a good chance this product does come with other chemicals and additives which might harm the body. Sadly, they don’t want us learning about it.

How does it work?

As per the manufacture, it claimed this product comes packed with powerful weight loss agents. Once taken into the body, it influences the body to burn fat deposit to produce energy instead of carbs


  • Said to help initiate ketosis


  • Not cheap
  • Not found in stores and shops
  • Doesn’t guarantee you any great results


That one claim that this product could get you in shape in just day is laughable. There is nothing like that. This product is one of the most useless weight loss pills ever created. It doesn’t guarantee you any credible results.

Where to buy Protetox

This product is not currently available in stores or pharmacies. It is limited to online only. Sadly, we are made to understand the ordering process takes really long. The worst part, we have had tons of complaints of customers who didn’t receive their order even after meeting all that is required of them.

Is it a scam?

There is every reason to think this pill is just as scam as most products we have seen being sold online. Some of the claims being flashed around seem too much exaggerated geared at making people buy the product. Additionally, there is no single evidence provide to show the product does really work as claimed.

Side effects

Truth be told; it said this product can put your body in one of most awkward scenarios. It makes you totally unstable and this could lead to some serious malfunctions in the body. Some of the most notable side effects include; sweating at night and abnormal heart rate among others.


Your body and health is a great gift from God. It is your sole responsibility to take good care of it. As much as you don’t like how you currently look, going for these weight loss pill is not going to make things any better for you. It will not help you get that great body. The worst part, it could potentially harm your body. [phenq]

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Xtend Ripped Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work? Fri, 31 May 2024 06:39:20 +0000 Read more]]> Xtend Ripped Review
Xtend Ripped Review

Weight gain is something you have been battling with for as long as you can remember. You are now thinking of being serious about losing it. However, unlike most people, your schedule so tight and it is likely you won’t get time to hit the gym. You are now thinking of going for slimming pills and not just any, but Xtend Ripped sliming pills.

It could be you have seen it being marketed all over the internet or a friend a recommended. Well, whichever way you came to know about them, you might want to read this honest review. You will realize it is not what they say they are after all.

Xtend Ripped claims

  • Best slimming  pills in the market
  • It gets you in shape in just no time
  • It  is safe
  • Packed with other nutrients


Some of the ingredients we have been told to expect in this formula are those we have seen in other weight loss products. They got nothing new to offer. Besides, it could be also they are just mentioning them because they are well known when it comes to weight loss. These ingredients include BHB and Green Tea Extracts.

How does it work?

This is a ketogenic diet and we are told to expect it to work like most keto diets. Once ingested, it pushes the body to achieve a vital state called Ketosis. This will lead to the body eating its own fat deposit for energy. Additionally, it is said to help control our appetite. Again, that is according to the manufacturer. No test has been done on the product to confirm all these claims.


  • Notable ingredients like Green Tea Extract have been used
  • Reasonably priced


  • Limited reviews from independent sources
  • Not much is known about the manufacturer
  • It can lead t serious side effects
  • It is not effective


If you are buying this pill with one aim: to lose weight real fast. Well, you are going to be left feeling really disappointed. Contrary to what we have been told, these pill doenst work as we would want it to be.

Where to buy Xtend Ripped

You can actually order this product online. It is limited to online only, meaning you will not find it in your local stores.

Is it a scam?

It is scam and we have no apologies to make. This product shouldn’t be trusted at all if you don’t want any problem.

Side effects

Xtend Ripped doesn’t come close to anything  being safe. It is totally not safe and that is another valid reason, I’m advising you to stay away from it. It could leave you battling some serious health complications.


Overall; there are so many ways you can use to lose weight, but Xtend Ripped is not one of those.  So instead of investing your money on these useless pills, you rather look for better and sure way to lose weight. There are quite a good number of them. [phenq]

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Oneshot Keto Review {Side Effects}: Does It Work? Fri, 31 May 2024 06:16:49 +0000 Read more]]> Oneshot Keto Review
Oneshot Keto Review

In as much as they have tried to paint Oneshot Keto in a really great picture, trust me, it would be really difficult for me to trust it and I’m going to tell you why. This product is pretty much like most scam products we have seen flood the market with all those amazing promises only for them to end up disappointing customers.

Oneshot Keto claims

  • Support natural weight loss
  • It is naturally formulated
  • Fast results guaranteed
  • Increased energy levels
  • It controls your appetite


This product is alleged to come with BHB as the main active ingredient. There are other supporting ingredients which have been harvested from plants and herbs. Looking at that, I would say that is just some basic marketing gimmicks meant to tempt us into buying this useless product.

How does it work?

The creators of this Oneshot Keto weight loss pill have not actually presented us with a very compelling foundation on how their product works. Personally, I’m not going to buy that ketosis state argument. It seems to be the most selling points nowadays because every manufacturer never fails to mention this when telling us about their products. So to say it burns fats in the body using ketosis process is going to be a lie. Unless they provide us with enough tests and proven results, I’ m not going to advise you or any other person to buy it.


  • inexpensive


  • Not easily accessible
  • Doesn’t treat and underlying ailment
  • Makes the body totally unstable
  • We are advised to use it over and over for great results


Let’s just call a spade a spade. There is no way this formula is going to allow you lose weight. All those great things about it you see being flashed around are just pure lies targeted on unsuspecting customers like you.

Where to buy Oneshot Keto

If you are wondering where you can buy this formula, you need to visit the product main website and make an order. This product is not currently available in local stores.

Is it a scam?

Yes, it is and we have every reason to think so. First, the people behind the product are not actually known. Second, we are not sure if it has been put through the necessary tests to ascertain its safety and efficacy because no documentation has been made public by the company behind it.

Side effects

This a keto based diet; don’t be lied that it is side effects free,. This product is no safe and could get you in a lot of trouble, when it comes to your health.


At the end, really, buying this formula is not going to be the best decisions. It comes with a dark side, which the company behind it doesn’t want us to know about. In short, just stay away from it you don’t want any problem. [phenq]

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Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies Review {Side Effects}: Does It Work? Wed, 22 May 2024 05:08:20 +0000 Read more]]> Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies Review
Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies

Thinking of losing weight really soon? Are you tired of going to the gym and you just want to try your luck on supplement, especially this particular product called Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies. Well, before you even think about that, take you time to read this.

Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies claims

  • Support natural weight loss
  • Burns fast fats in trouble areas
  • Naturally formulated
  • It is safe and has no side effects
  • It boost rate of metabolic
  • It is reasonably priced


As for the ingredients, I personally wouldn’t trust anything we have been told. Although they claim the product come packed with only natural ingredients that is not even true. There are other additives and chemicals which have been added that could lead to some serious consequences healthwise.

How does it work?

No one really knows the science behind this supplement. As much as the people behind it claim that this productinitiateketosis state in the body, leading to burning fats, we are not sure if indeed that is true. So don’t trustanything you are told. It could be just some cheap marketing gimmicks meant to lure you into putting your money on this product.


  • Naturally formulated


  • No honest reviews from independent sources
  • Not found in stores and pharmacies
  • Likely to make your body total unstable
  • Not recommended for young mothers and teenagers


It doesn’t matter how desperate you are, there is no way this formula is going to give you that amazing body. It doesn’t work as promised and buying it with the hope of getting the best results is going to be a complete waste of your time.

Where to buy?

The company’s main website is the only place you can buy this product. It is not available in stores or pharmacies near you. Not making this product easily accessible, especially in stores raises a lot of questions. It is a way of deviating from public complaints and scrutiny.

Is it scam?

This product’s legitimacy and authenticity is something up for a lot of debate now and for months to come. This product is not something you can really trust because we have no idea who the real manufacturer is. That is not even all; in case you place an order today, chances of your delivery arriving is practically zero. In short, there are just so many red flags which make us not to trust the weight loss formula.

Side effects

Bases on everything I have managed to gather, especially from past users, this supplement is not something you can reallytrust when it comes to your health. It leaves the body totally unstable and users are likely to suffer a wide range offside effects.


Overall, in as much Pure Fuel Keto ACV Gummies is marketed the best ever, this product is not something you can really depend on. It is useless and there is no way you are going to get exactly what you want. [phenq]

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Zemopic Keto Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work? Sat, 11 May 2024 18:01:11 +0000 Read more]]> Zemopic Keto Reviews
Zemopic Keto Review

Just like many other weight loss supplements and like many other fat burners, Zemopic Keto, is another weight loss supplement. But, unlike many other good reputed fat burners, this weight loss supplement is a good one. The users of this product have not claimed anything good about this product.

Zemopic Keto Claims

The manufacturer of this fat burner product claims that,

  • Zemopic Keto is one of the best weight loss supplements and its use is approved by health experts
  • It reduces the weight by eliminating the stored fat in the body
  • It helps in weight reduction by suppressing the hunger and reduce the absorption of fat in the body
  • It increases the metabolism and helps in rapid digestion and of meal

Zemopic Keto Ingredients

The ingredients of the fat burning substance consists of Hydroxycitric acid content and it is the only vital ingredient of this product. HCA reduces the stored fat in the body and excrete it out of the body with the help of garnacia combogia. These ingredients work collectively to deliver best results.

How does Zemopic Keto Work?

It works by reducing the intake of fat from the food by reducing the appetite. It improves the breakdown of stored fat in the adipose tissues of the body and use these broken fat for energy production. It improves the metabolism and lead to rapid absorption of nutrients especially fatty acids.

Zemopic Keto Pros

  • The use of Zemopic Keto is good for human health because it is made of good substances that protects the body from any damage
  • The is a pure product that is only designed to help obese people in reducing the fat stored in their bodies.
  • The use of this supplement deliver overall good results on the human health.

Zemopic Keto Cons

  • The price of this weight loss supplement is much high as compared to many similar products
  • Its use is not recommended by medical experts because it has so many side effects
  • It is not easily available all over the world as people like to use from all globe
  • It has countless side effects

Zemopic Keto Results

The use of Zemopic Keto is not good for human health and its use is also not medically recommended. It has no good result.

Where to buy Zemopic Keto?

It can be obtained from the official website of the company. Although the website of the company is poorly designed but the use can get at the doorstep once he successfully ordered this product.

Is Zemopic Keto a Scam?

Yes, it can be a big scam because there is no much information available about the manufacturer. The use of Trimgeix is also not approved by the medical experts due to lack of authenticity and originality in the formation of this weight loss supplement. Zemopic Keto can be a big scam with users.

Zemopic Keto Side effects

According the manufacturer there is no side effect of thus supplement, but there are countless side effects that users have claimed about this weight loss supplement. The users claimed that Zemopic Keto is very harmful for human health because it deteriorates the metabolism and digestive system.

Final Verdict

Zemopic Keto, is not a good weight loss supplement due to countless side effects that it delivered to the users of this product. This is not a good health supplement. Its use should be discouraged because it has no good result. Zemopic Keto, shortly can be defined as a very bad health supplement. [phenq]

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Fit Flare Keto Gummies Review {Side Effects}: Scam, Does It Work? Wed, 08 May 2024 18:23:24 +0000 Read more]]> Fit Flare Keto Gummies Review
Fit Flare Keto Gummies

Forever Green is the company which introduced its weight loss system called Fit Flare Keto Gummies. Fit Flare Keto Gummies offers you to take 10 days of weight management kickoff program course by taking three basic products. The three products are Dough, Keaton-X , Bites and Fixx. You are supposed to take all these three supplements for almost 10 days to complete the Fit Flare Keto Gummies diet plan.

Company Behind Fit Flare Keto Gummies

Forever Green is established in May 2004 by the Ron Williams( chairman) and CEO. Forever green started with the very humble beginning and knew that the patience and branding are the real keys to its success. The company spread its network and maintain its offices in six countries in which Singapore, Mexico, Japan, Colombia, Philippines and Australia are included.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Claims

Fit Flare Keto Gummies claims that it’s the lifestyle that matters not the diet, as it seems that too many people changes its diet but found meaningless results.
Forever Green company claims that the formula of Fit Flare Keto Gummies was designed and developed by the experts.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Ingredients

There are almost three ingredients present in Fit Flare Keto Gummies.

  • Keaton-X
  • FIXX
  • Dough Bites

Keaton-X consists of various raw material made by natural ingredient to keep you on the track of nutritional Ketosis.


FIXX is actually the chocolate based protein rich powder “cold-processed New Zealand whey from clean pasture-raised cows”

Dough Bites

Dough Bites are the piece of cookie “formulated to complement Keaton-X”. Although they are very rich in fiber and it’s also probiotics. It is specially designed to boost up the energy level.

How Does Fit Flare Keto Gummies Work?

Fit Flare Keto Gummies is one of the successful program especially organized to start your journey towards nutritional Ketosis within our hours of duration. It supports you to improve the optimal health. We can describe Ketosis as the natural metabolic state of the body. When your body exhibit the Ketosis ,it’s amazing starts burning the fat. It burns fat more than carbohydrates .As fat contains more energy as compared to the carbohydrates.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Pros

  • It is more focused to burn fat as compared to carbohydrates
  • It provides you the healthy lifestyle to live
  • It substantial helps you to lose weight so that you can improve your quality of life.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Cons

  • The first concerned from the customer is that it is difficult to purchase this product in smaller quantity.
  • Some of the customers reported that Fit Flare Keto Gummies taste is not good .
  • There is a bulk of information regarding benefits of Ketogenic diet. But some of the customers disagree with this point.

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Results

It improves the appearance of your body and makes it lean by giving you slim belly. It not only improves the body structure of your body but also it boost up your energy level.

Where to Buy Fit Flare Keto Gummies?

The process of purchasing is very simple and easy. It just takes few minutes to order the Fit Flare Keto Gummies . As you start to use Fit Flare Keto Gummies ,you will start your successful weight loss journey. If you are completely satisfied then be quick to place your order on the official website of Forever Green company .

Is Fit Flare Keto Gummies a Scam?

It is completed reliable and authentic product tested under the supervision of the expert. Fit Flare Keto Gummies is more emphasizing on quality lifestyle rather diet

Fit Flare Keto Gummies Side Effects

There is no any side effects of Fit Flare Keto Gummies as this is completely based on naturally extracted nutrients .The three product Kenton-X , FIXX , Dough Bites is completely free from any side effects.

Final Verdict

Fit Flare Keto Gummies is the reliable product in which you can rely on the best result. Forever Green company is formulated its significant product under the supervision of experienced nutritionist to make it the meaningful product for weight loss.

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Lean Logic Keto Gummies Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work? Tue, 07 May 2024 14:52:11 +0000 Read more]]> Lean Logic Keto Gummies Review
Lean Logic Keto Gummies

Statistics shows that the rate at which the people are getting overweight is increasing day and night. This has therefore encouraged several companies producing several products intended at helping people to reduce weight. Apart from solving this problem, some companies have spotted a money making opportunity therefore reaping off people’s money by producing products which do not meet this objective; an example being the trending Flask Keto.

Company behind

The people producing and supplying the product are not qualified. They possess no proper certification and should therefore not be trusted. The company has not carried out enough research and hence do not produce the desired outcome once used.

Flask Keto claims

  • Reduces unnecessary weight
  • It is affordable
  • Works very fast
  • Less side effects


The ingredients used to manufacturer this product is shrouded in a lot of mystery. When consumed, it is a completely foreign to the body and may not work well with the body. The desired results will therefore not be achieved.

How does it work?

Lean Logic Keto Gummies reduces weight by speeding up the burning of fats in the body to produce energy. This product, though not proven, increases the rate at which Ketosis happens. Ketosis refers to the process in which excess fats are burned in the body.


  • Reasonably priced


  • It is not legally certified
  • Limited to online users only
  • Way much expensive
  • No specific time for results to be spotted
  • Many accompanied side effects


The time at which the results start to show after using the Lean Logic Keto Gummies is not mentioned. Apart from that, the users have not reported any noticeable results after consuming the product. The results do not show up immediately as expected by many buyers. This renders it inefficient apart from the fact that it may never work out as far as compatibility is concerned.

Where to buy Flask Keto

Lean Logic Keto Gummies has no specified place or physical office where one can buy it. The product is only acquired by ordering it online after which it is made available to the buyer. The company has not provided any other place to buy it. They do this in order to hide themselves to avoid being followed up in case the product reacts unexpectedly. Customers should hence not put their trust in the product.

Is it a scam?

Lean Logic Keto Gummies is not a legit product. The company producing it has no proper documentation, and therefore no official website. This makes them unavailable to answer the questions posed to them by the customers. This products major agenda is to generate funds by luring people into buying it. So stay away from the scammers whose aim does not match your objective.

Side effects

The Lean Logic Keto Gummies pill has been reported to have a lot of side effects. Upon using it, the side effects start to show up and hence hinder one from carrying out their daily activities. Some of the side effects accompanied with this pill can get really serious and requires one to seek immediate medical attendance. Among these side effects are; diarrhea, tiredness, vomiting.


Lean Logic Keto Gummies pill is not an answer to anyone who wishes to reduce weight. The results are not guaranteed and hence do not solve the problem. There are several other products that one may use to remedy overweight other than going for Lean Logic Keto Gummies pill.[phenq]

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Ketosyn ACV Gummies Review {Side Effects}: Does It Work? Tue, 07 May 2024 10:01:31 +0000 Read more]]> Ketosyn ACV Gummies Review
Ketosyn ACV Gummies

For many supplement product creators, the current industry is one of the most exciting in years. They have taken advantage of weight loss issues facing millions of people and are now creating supplement diets, which have generated millions of money for them.

One such product is diet anatomy keto. It is pretty new supplement and if all we have heard from users around the world is anything to go by; we would advise people not to try it.

Company behind

Ketosyn ACV Gummies products, is the company behind this product. It is purely online.

Ketosyn ACV Gummies claims to

  • Help boost energy level in the body
  • Boost fat burn
  • Contains BHB ketones
  • It is natural ingredients


When it comes to ingredients, the Ketosyn ACV Gummies comes with one main ingredient, BHP ketone salt. This is one product that has found its way into a number of ingredients we have in the market today.

This ingredient is said to be a proprietary blend of a wide range of mineral and nutrients. They play a key role in the ketosis process. Again, we are not sure if this actually happens.

How does Ketosyn ACV Gummies work?

How does it really work in the body? We are pretty sure this is one question a lot of people would ask. Well, the BHP found in the product is said to trigger ketosis process in the body. This will effectively switch your body into fat burning state. The more time you body remain in this state, the more fats.

Ketosyn ACV Gummies Pros

  • sexy body
  • natural ingredients

Ketosyn ACV Gummies Cons

  • a range of side effects
  • Not suitable for breastfeeding mothers
  • Not found in stores
  • Not clinically proven

Ketosyn ACV Gummies Results

The Ketosyn ACV Gummies has not actually proved if it does really allow you achieve that slim and sexy body in days or even weeks. Just like the rest, this product is just there to reap your hard earned cash. Instead of putting your money on diet anatomy keto, for a slim and sexy body, we suggest you try other methods like workouts and eating healthy.

Where to buy Ketosyn ACV Gummies?

For a pack of diet anatomy keto, you can visit their official website and place an order

Is Ketosyn ACV Gummies a scam?

The Ketosyn ACV Gummies is a total scam. Pretty much like a wide range of weight loss supplements we have in the market, there is no way; this particular product is going to help you lose weight. It has not been endorsed by world’s reputable health bodies. Plus, it has not been put through some clinical tests.

Ketosyn ACV Gummies Side effects

The Ketosyn ACV Gummies does come with a number of side effects you may want to be aware of before you start using. Some of the things you should be ready to deal with include headache, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and constipation.


Bottom line; the Ketosyn ACV Gummies is not some magic diet pill that will give you what you have always wanted. It is just a scam like the rest and you stay away from it. [phenq]

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Proper Keto Capsules Review {Side Effects}: Does It Work? Fri, 03 May 2024 14:53:04 +0000 Read more]]> Proper Keto Capsules Review
Proper Keto Capsules

Weight loss supplement industry has exploded in the recent months. Companies are fast creating products and claiming to help you lose weight.

While others have really lived true to expectation of many people, there are those that have left people with tons of regrets.

One such product is Proper Keto Capsules. It is dubbed as a magic pill by its creators, but that is not the case. This specific supplement has generated a lot of concerns in the last few months.

Company behind Proper Keto Capsules

The ketones science keto is currently made by Proper Keto Capsules products; A supplement company that have its operation in the US.

Proper Keto Capsules claims to:
  • Burns fats faster
  • All natural ingredients
  • Boost metabolism
  • Controls your appetite

Proper Keto Capsules Ingredients

The Proper Keto Capsules is said to have been formulated to help you lose weight in a number of ways. One key ingredient that is said to be found is BHP.

This is one ingredient that has found its way into a wide range of supplement. It initiates ketosis process in the body, a procedure that is said to help burn fat compounds into energy. This will ensure you remain energetic all times.

Other ingredients that have gone into creation of this product include Tamarind see, Garcinia cambogia, green tea extract and coffee powder.

How does Proper Keto Capsules work?

The Proper Keto Capsules works pretty much like a number of supplements we have in the market today; it places your body into ketogenic state. Once this process is initiated in the body, fats will be converted into energy.

The Proper Keto Capsules is also said to help suppress your appetite. With it, you will eat less food each and every day.

Proper Keto Capsules Pros

  • Natural ingredients
  • Easy way to lose weight
  • No need for exercise

Proper Keto Capsules Cons

  • Not found in stores near you
  • Not suitable for women

Proper Keto Capsules Results

If you are expecting to see great results days or even weeks after ingesting this supplement, well, you are in for a rude shock. There is no way in the world this will help you cut those extra pounds. [weightside]

Where to buy?

If you need a pack of Proper Keto Capsules, you can actually visit their official website and place your order.

Is Proper Keto Capsules a scam?

Truth be told; the Proper Keto Capsules is just as scam as the rest. There is no way this supplement is going to help you lose weight. It has not been endorsed by reputable bodies like the FDA. Plus, some of its ingredients have not been clinically tested to see if they do really work

Proper Keto Capsules Side effects

Although the company behind this product have said it comes with no side effects, similar with other supplements we have in the market, there is pretty good chance this product does come with a degree of side effects. For example, digestion problems have been reported in the past.


At the end; if your weight gain is bothering you and you are looking for a great way to lose it, instead of going for Proper Keto Capsules, you rather hit the gym. It doesn’t work as claimed. [phenq]

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